23 Settembre 2018
Conflicting patent applications
Registrability of 3D trademarks
Partial designs
Joint liability for IP infringement
PS I: Artificial Intelligence - the real IP issues
PS IV: Alternatives for enforcement: criminal and administrative proceedings
PS V: Harvesting innovation in agriculture – patents and more
PS II: Standard Essential Patents - maximising value before enforcement
PS VI: A balancing act - copyright versus other rights
PS III: A means to an end - the doctrine of equivalents
PS VII: It's all about me ©™®
PS VIII: Linking into the digital era
PS IX: Use it or lose it - genuine use of trademarks
PS X: Free Trade Agreements - drivers of IP policy?
PS XI: Surveying the field - a gold standard for survey evidence
PS XII: Briefing: hot topics in IP
PS XIII: Out of term - provisional and post term enforcement
Plenary Session for proposed Resolution (1): Standing Committee on Patens: Inventor remuneration
Plenary Session for proposed Resolution (2): Standing Committee on Pharma & Biotechnology: Post filing data
Plenary Session for proposed Resolution (3): Standing Committee on Enforcement: HCCH - Judgements Project
Plenary Session for proposed Resolution (4): Study Question General - Joint liability for IP infringement
Plenary Session for proposed Resolution (5): Study Question Patents - Conflicting patent applications
Plenary Session for proposed Resolution (6): Study Question Designs - Partial designs
Plenary Session for proposed Resolution (7): Study Question Trademarks - Registrability of 3D Trademark
Pharma 1: The endgame: patent term extensions and SCPs
Pharma 2: Access to medicines - what's fair?
Pharma 3: Big Data and Big Pharma
Pharma 4: Biosimilar litigation - dissimilar considerations?