24 Aprile 2017
Licensing Executives Society International Annual Conference will take place in Paris for 2 days, 24 and 25 April 2017, preceded by a welcome reception on April 23 and followed by an optional program on April 26.
Paris LESI 2017 conference is focusing on a changing world: "Revolution in IP? Scenarios for the Future."
Our starting point is the new dynamics of the world, and ongoing places in society, science and technology. The changing world innovation and intellectual property at the heart of business and challenges all IP professionals to re-evaluate traditional IP systems and the value of IP.
The annual conference program will be balanced between inspiring keynote speakers, recognized experts, and experienced industry leaders who will share their views during plenary sessions, mini conferences and workshops.
In order to address the most relevant topics for your activities, we have designed professional tracks around Life Science, High Tech, Consumer Products, Legal and Economy. The program also includes a focus on European perspectives, and the raising role of sustainable development.